
Getting started

Get a Linux box (for Windows)

Perhaps the easiest way is to install Windows 10 or 11 (via BNU License) and enable WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).

The Missing Semester of Your CS Education

Series of lectures on daily tools: Unix Shell, editor (Vim), command-line tools, version control (Git), debugger, and more.

Setting up development environment

Installations of some indispensable software and applications.

Software Carpentry

Another good place to learn Unix Shell, Git, and programming with Python.

Quantum Chemistry

Notes on Quantum Chemistry by Professor David Sherrill

Numerous excellent notes on quantum chemistry written by Professor David Sherrill at Georgia Tech.

Programming Projects by Professor Daniel Crawford

Series of programming tutorials/projects created by the Crawford group at Virginia Tech.

Computational chemistry tutorials by Professor Fang Liu

Various tutorials on computational chemistry created by the Liu group at Emory University.

Publishing Papers

Notes by Professor David Sherrill

Specifically, I recommend reading the notes on "Writing Papers", "Creating Figures for Publication", and "How To Run LaTeX".

LaTex Tutorials

Perhaps a better way to learn LaTex is to play around some of the ACS / AIP / PCCP templates from Overleaf.

Ten simples rules for better figures

Please check this article (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003833) and the code of plotting these figures on GitHub.

Whitesides' Group: Writing a Paper

Please check this article (DOI: 10.1002/adma.200400767) for writing a scientific paper.

Book List

Software References and Manuals